Lunch on the Clock (LOTC), similar to Business After Hours, is an informal business social gathering with a guest speaker and catered lunch. It was created to connect our members with other members and organizations and agencies who are committed to helping small businesses and communities grow. While LOTC attendance is geared to our membership, individuals have asked to be included when the topics are of interest to them. So, we welcome anyone who would like to learn more about services our local businesses have to offer. Registration is required. Continue reading for LOTC interinary and schedule. 

Please make your reservation by following the links in the schedule, below.


Cost - $10 per person covers meal (drop into basket on buffet food line table; or pre-pay with credit card - a small fee is added to cover bank charge)

Registration is required for lunch count. Save your confirmation email which contains a link to cancel your registration, if you later need to do so. Contact the Chamber of Commerce, 231-587-5500 if you have questions.

Location - Mancelona Township Offices Meeting Room (please use the back door at rear of main parking lot by the recycling bins, south-east corner of building). 

11:50 a.m. - Buffet style food line opens

12:05 p.m. - While you are enjoying your meal, presenter provides a brief overview (15-20 minutes) of their business/topic, with an opportunity for questions and answers.


We know it's tough to get away from the office at times. If duty calls while you're at any of our lunch meetings, you're not required to stay for the duration. Slip out if you need to!

BRING A BAG, TAKE A BAG -  (Participation is optional) Bring a Bag with something from your business, or someone else's (suggested minimum value $10). Place bag on table when you come in. If you bring a bag, take a different bag when you leave. A bottle of wine, gift card to your store or another member's, car wash gift card, restaurant gift card - your choice!

Mancelona Chamber members are invited to host a Lunch on the Clock meal or be a presenter.  Give us a call to make arrangements.






Tuesday, April 15, 2025
Presenter: Truestream / Great Lakes Energy - Fiber internet is coming to town! Truestream, powered by Great Lakes Energy (GLE), is one of the nation's largest fiber-to-the-home network projects providing life-changing fiber internet and voice services to homes and businsses that receive electricity from GLE.  READ MORE

Tuesday, May 20, 2025
Presenter: Freeze Drying Foods - Jenny Lee / Tractor Supply Co, Lee Family Farm, & Harvest Right. Are you prepared for emergencies such as extended power outages, natural disasters, and backup ways of cooking? Did you know you can freeze dry food that will last up to 25 years? All paid registrants will have their name entered into a drawing and the name drawn will receive a $400 gift certificate toward the purchase of a Harvest Right Freeze Dryer redeemable only at Bellaire Tractor Supply Co. location or $300 worth of Harvest Right accessories. READ MORE

Tuesday, June 17, 2025
Presenter: Michigan State Police Lt. Mike DeCastro - Emergency Preparedness. What should you pack into a crate for your family in the event of a major disaster or emergency crisis? How do you get in touch with your family if communications go down? How do you protect your family from theft?  READ MORE

Tuesday, July 15, 2025
Presenter: Meet Your First Responders - Meet the very first responders who assist you when you call 911. Law enforcement, firefighters and EMTs from Mancelona Police Department, Township Ambulance Authority, Mancelona Fire District, Antrim County Sheriff's Office, Michigan State Police and Northflight AeroMed  READ MORE

Tuesday, September 16, 2025
Presenter: Networking - No guest speakers are scheduled today. Enjoy a delicious fried chicken dinner with all the sides while networking with other business owners and community members. READ MORE